La energía cinética se define como:
2 metro v2
Dado que la masa del péndulo no cambiará, la única forma de que cambie la energía cinética es que cambie la velocidad del péndulo. La energía cinética es máxima cuando la velocidad es máxima. Esto ocurre en la parte inferior del péndulo.
Si la energía cinética es más alta en la parte inferior del péndulo, entonces es donde la energía potencial es la más baja. Entonces, la energía potencial sería más alta cuando el péndulo esté en su punto más alto a cada lado de su movimiento donde está estacionario por un instante. Este es el punto donde toda la energía cinética se ha convertido en energía potencial (
(Brainly no dejaba de espaciar mis respuestas, así que lo siento si esto es difícil de entender ... si es correcto, ¿podrías marcarme como el más inteligente?)
Answer and Explanation:
Risky behavior defines that behavior which is riskier to the life of people
As if you want to choose a career in a Nurse or a Doctor you want to judge the risk.
As a doctor, if the doctor gives the high dosage to the patient to recover from illness but even less dosage also works still the doctor gives which affect the kidney, liver of the patient, etc
Well, it is a great career as a doctor you can help many poor people by giving them free medical treatment in return you get the blessings which surely worked.
But there are many hospitals who are taking extraordinary charges even they do transplants, surgeries where there is no need just to earn the money but this is not acceptable and in one day everyone knows about it what they are doing
Therefore do not play with the life of the people as it is precious for them.
Biological determinism.
Biological determinism (also known as genetic determinism, biologism, or biodeterminism) is the idea that human characteristics and behavior are exclusively determined at conception by some aspect of biology, as Alain thinks, by genes and hormones. Meaning that environmental, social, and cultural factors have no effect in a person’s life.
I think superordinate is the few similarities among the others because it doesn’t sound right
Strabismus may cause reduced vision, or amblyopia, in the misaligned eye. The brain will pay attention to the image of the straight eye and ignore the image of the crossed eye. If the same eye is consistently ignored during early childhood, this misaligned eye may fail to develop good vision, or may even lose vision.