True. Because they have access to the defense.
Answer: Option A is the right answer
Explanation: Evidences in most cases has shown that MACRS is all about applying convention for one and a half year on assets. So when an entities owns 35-40% of an asset in forth quarter, Mid quarter convention will be applied for only one half of the last quarter, logically one and half month in the last quarter.
- credit management
- receipt and disbursement of funds
- inventory control
Activities such as stablishing budgets and plans are done once every year. And the sale of stocks and bonds is done only if the company makes and IPO or an emission of Bonds which are impossible to occur daily.
Preferred stock holders' dividend = $280000
Common stock holders' dividend = $8000
A cumulative preferred stock is one whose dividends are accumulated in arrears and are to paid in the following year(s), if the company fails to pay or partially pay the dividends in a certain year. The yearly dividend on preferred stock is,
Preferred stock dividend = 10000 * 200 * 0.07 = $140000
As the dividends on preferred stock are in arrears for one year, the company will pay a dividend this year on preferred stock of,
Preferred stock dividend to be paid = 140000 + 140000 = $280000
Thus, out of the announced dividend of $288000, $280000 will be paid to the preferred stock holders while the remaining $8000 will be paid to the common stock holders.