A common goal , usually the three g’s God Glory and gold
self-serving bias
self-serving bias is the behavioral approach of human in which they take credit for all the positive event related to them while blaming external agents for any negative events happening to them.
Example: If one score good marks they attribute it to their hard work
while if one get less marks they blame it on the teacher.
Since the statement above says one overestimated ones value for success and attributes failures to externals agents they are showing a self serving bias behavioral tendency
The per capita income can not reflect the true state of economic development because if the income of a particular group have increased or have become rich and the income of other groups remain the same, it will reflect an increase in the per capita income.
B. It does not need to be carefully planned.
- The giving away of the charity is related to the no-profit organization and primary objective to give away in the form of donation and it needs to be planned in advance. As to how much and how many donations are to be made and to how many people as for a country or a town or a district and varies between the countries and nations depending on the type of situations involved.
(C) Tinker v. Des Moines (1969)
In 1965, a case between three teenagers who wore black armbands to school in protest of the Vietnam war and were subsequently suspended for failing to remove the armbands and Des Moines Independent Community School District appeared before the Supreme Court. In a landmark verdict, the Supreme Court explained that all form of speech, both symbolic speech such as the protest with armbands are protected under the the first amendment right of freedom of speech and expression. The court concluded that freedom of speech includes as form of symbolic speech.