Using the knowledge in computational language in LC-3 Assembly it is possible to write a code that replaces the value in R0 with its absolute value
<h3>Writting the code </h3>
.ORIG x0200
AND R0, R0, #0 ; copy R0 to itself to set the condition codes based on R0;
; i.e performing addition operation with Zero option to set the flags
BRzp DONE ; if R0 is NON-NEGATIVE, skip the negation (already correct);
; Branch to DONE if number is poistive
NOT R0, R0 ; R0 is negative, so negate it i.e taking 2's complement
ADD R0, R0, #1 ; R0 = -R0 is performed successfully
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<u>The different between 32 bit and 64 bit version:</u>
- The main difference between 32-bit and 64-bit versions is that a 32-bit version can access
memory addresses which is roughly equivalent to 4 GB of memory.
- On the other hand, a 64-bit version can access
memory addresses which equates to a huge amount of memory, 16 exabytes to be precise.
- Nowadays, we observe that almost all the computers have 64-bit processors, which means that they can access any amount of memory over 4 GB till 16 exabytes.
- 64-bit processors have various advantages like the increased speed of operations, smooth multitasking and they can also support video games and software's that have high graphical requirements.
My Answer:</h2>
FTP: The definition on Wikipedia is; "The File Transfer Protocol (FTP) is a standard network protocol used for the transfer of computer files between a client and server on a computer network."
So, if the question is asking for technology that provides a method for two computers hooked to the internet transfer files back and forth between each other, so if we can sum it up the answer which makes the most sense is <em>FTP</em>.
Your answer would be: a hand pointer.