1. Genetic variation is different combinations of genes/traits/characteristics within a pollination of organisms. 2. Two sources of genetic variation are mutations and sexual reproduction. 3. Sexual reproduction can cause genetic diversity because the offspring inherits combinations of traits from both parents. This means the offspring will inherit and show a variety of traits which increases genetic variations within the individual. 4. Genetic variation is important because it helps the population of a species survive and thrive in their environment. Because there are multiple variations within the species, if there ever is a change in the environment of that species, there is a higher chance that that species will be able to adapt to its new environment because of the variety of variations within the species. 5. Bacterial resistance is when a species of bacteria are not affected by the effects of medications. Thus, they will not die from medications. This happens when a species of bacteria is exposed to the same medication long enough to which there are variations within that species. As the amount of variations grow, there is a higher chance that there will be one variation of bacteria that will not be affected by medicine. That bacteria will survive and pass on its protective traits which creates bacterial resistance.
I think that for 1 it’s either A or B as the kidneys and everything get air and the lungs release it. For 2 is probably D as the others don’t really make much sense.