1. Epidermis
Epi - over, upon or on
derm/is - means skin
- The epidermis is one of the three layers of the skin located above or on the dermis layer. It is the outermost layer and is thin. It is the layer of the skin that can be observed by the naked eye. It serves as protection.
2. Hypodermis
Hypo - below or under.
Derm/is - skin
- The hypodermis is one of the three layers of the skin. It is the innermost layer of the skin, found under the dermis layer. It is a layer of subcutaneous fat that works as insulation and padding of the body.
3. Dermatitis
Dermat/- skin
itis - means inflammation
-Dermatitis is also known as the inflammation of the skin. IT is also known as eczema.
4. Cyanosis
Cyan - blue
-osis - an abnormal condition
-Cyanosis is the bluish discoloration of the skin. It can be a result of the poor circulation of oxygen in the blood.
5. Onychomycosis
Onych - nail
-myc- fungus
-osis - an abnormal condition.
-Onychomycosis is an abnormal condition in the nails that is characterized by fungus.
6. Subcutaneous
Sub - under
cutane - skinous - pertains to
-subcutaneous is an adjective that means under the skin or directly below.
Acr/o - extremeties
derm/a -skin
-itis - infalmmation
Acrodermatitis is the inflammation of the skin, particularly in the extremities. It is a condition that affects children mostly. Acrodermatitis is characterized by the formation of itchy red to purple blisters, usually in the hands and feet.
8. Melanoma
Melan/ - black
-oma - tumor or abnormal growth.
Melanoma is a malignant tumor that occurs on the skin. Most melanomas are black in color and they look like moles.
9. Onychotomy
Onych/o - nail
-tomy - incision
Onychotomy is the surgical incision into a nail, either in the toes or fingers.
10. Dermatopathy
Dermat/o - skin
Path/y - disease
Dematopathy is the medical term that refers to any disease of the skin. It is also known as dermopathy.
stigmatized illness. she doesnt want people to know because of the stigma and bad reputation that comes with her diagnosis.
Write a Resume, and prepare what you are going to say when they ask certain question’s. :)
b. "You should try this because everyone else takes them."
Based on the answers provided it can be said that the the one that shows his friend's influencing him in an unhealthy way would be "You should try this because everyone else takes them."
This is an exact example of peer pressure and social influence, as well as being unhealthy since just because everyone else is doing something does not indicate that it is the correct or even healthy thing to do.