If my child were to come to home from school, telling me about something in regards to a culture that is not true. I will explain to my child the difference of truth and myth regarding other cultures. I will explain to him or her about other people having to believe about certain things because of the culture they were born to. I will differentiate and give an example about true things that is currently happening and had happen and about the myths that were told and not yet proven.
Dissociative disorders are illnesses involving any disruption of memory, awareness,perception and consciousness. There are types of Dissociative disorders namely the Dissociative identity disorder, Depersonalization disorder and the Dissociative amnesia.In the situation, Lebron has experience the dissociative amnesia. This has been linked to stress caused by a traumatic event such as accidents and disasters or may have suffered or witness a trauma. Supportive treatment though if it would be a short time memory loss would be enough for a patient to recover with this disorder.
third party issued credit cards that are issued by banks while using the credit provider's system.
Healthcare workers goals are mainly treating diseases, but they cannot ignore cultural and social contexts. It is extremely important for healthcare workers to understand how cultures all differently handle the passing of a loved one and the grieving process in order to provide the best care possible to their patients.