The digestive system is a collection of organs that work together to digest and absorb food. Digestion is the process your body uses to break the foods you eat down into molecules your body can use for energy and nutrients. The following organs work together to help your body process the foods you eat.
Virion Release
Mechanisms for virus release from cells include cell death (lysis), budding, and exocytosis. The cytoskeleton can bestow a barrier to release and some unenveloped viruses encode proteins that intrude the cytoskeleton to allow dispersal of newly assembled virions.
The biological basis for assigning all human beings into a singe species is that there so many, even tons of living organisms living on earth. These organisms differ in their external and internal organs and so to differentiate them from them, they are being classified into kingdoms then classes then phylums then family.
When a household installs a dual flush toilet, the water is mainly conserved by limiting its consumption and thus eliminates the unnecessary loss of water. #2 is the answer
A dual flush toilet is similar to a standard toilet but includes some water conserving features.