Answer: a. role strain.
ROLE STRAIN is a phenomenon that occurs when one is having difficulty meeting the responsibilities of a SPECIFIC role in their life which in this case is that of a student.
The student is required to study hard as well as perform volunteer work as a student meaning the responsibilities might conflict under the SPECIFIC role of student.
This is different from ROLE CONFLICT where MULTIPLE roles conflict each other such as an employee student having the job's responsibilities conflicting with the responsibilities required of a student.
The south heavily relied on cotton.
1.when choosing a career we need to choose what we love doing and at the same time feel comfortable doing
<span>With the enactment in 1903 of the Terrell Election Law, which was amended in 1905-1906, a statewide direct-primary system for all state, district, and county elective offices was established and made mandatory for all parties that had received as many as 100,000 votes in the previous election; the requirement was later ...</span><span>Jun 12, 2010</span>