In the picture to the right iron filings have been sprinkled around a bar magnet. The iron filings outline the magnetic field lines, making it visible. Magnetic fields all have a pair of "poles", from which "lines of force" or magnetic field lines appear to originate.
Spanish colonies needed many workers because they needed to grow their crops, mine gold and silver, and work in their new cities. Spain wasn't able to have enough Spanish workers so they ended up taking Indians as their slaves, giving them very little food and water forcing thousands to die of starvation and overwork.
The answer is Except their water.
Amazon Rain forest is rich in Oil, Medicinal Plants, and it create about 20 % of world's oxygen, but people around the world doesn't rely on their water so much
¿Qué propósitos educativos debe buscar la escuela?
¿Cómo se pueden seleccionar las experiencias de aprendizaje que puedan ser útiles para lograr estos objetivos?
¿Cómo se pueden organizar las experiencias de aprendizaje para una instrucción eficaz?
¿Cómo se puede evaluar la efectividad de las experiencias de aprendizaje?