Antonio Lucio Vivaldi (4 March 1678–28 July 1741) was an Italian baroque composer, virtuoso violinist, teacher and cleric. Born in Venice, he is recognized as one of the greatest baroque composers, and his influence during his lifetime was widespread across Europe. He is known mainly for composing many instrumental concertos, for the violin and a variety of other instruments, as well as sacred choral works and more than forty operas. His best-known work is a series of violin concertos known as The Four Seasons.
one musical form that came to define the baroque era?
The most dominant type of concerto in the 18th century was the solo concerto, which featured a single instrument in contrast with an ensemble. The most prolific composer of the solo concerto was Antonio Vivaldi, who wrote approximately 350 and established the concerto’s standard three-movement form (two fast outer movements, one middle movement in a slower tempo). While most solo concertos were written for violin, trumpet concertos were also popular.
In El Greco's work there are visible attributes of the humanistic values of Ancient Rome and Greece.
El Greco was a Greek artist who lived in Italy and Spain, and became one of the most important figures of the Spanish Renaissance, by many considered to be the founder of the Siglo de Oro.
His work portraits and blend the physical world with the spiritual world, it reflects his viewing of the humanistic side of the renaissance.
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type of advance medical directive does the AMA recommend? Living will or Durable power of attorney
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