Agricultural society, if I understand the question correctly.
<span>By allowing the ground to grow fallow, it absorbs, through rain and natural means the nitrogen and phosphorus necessary in order to fertilize plants. Then once the field is plowed, the elements mix together to form the foundation by which the seeds can be nurtured and grow more effectively.</span>
You can have plans on where to go if found in the midst of an Earthquake. Talk to local teachers, adults and family members to know what to do when caught in an Earthquake.
<span>Geothermal electricity takes steam from hot water, and uses it to spin/rotate a turbine. This turbine activates a generator, which then produces electricity. By drilling into the ground and accessing underground resources of steam, that steam can then be piped directly from beneath the ground to the generator unit.</span>
Even a slight reproductive advantage will eventually lead to the elimination of the less well adapted of two competing species.