stereotype; better
In one study, participants were presented with a list of traits about a hypothetical person while simultaneously watching a video about Indonesia. In one condition, the traits were accompanied by an applicable stereotype (e.g., skinhead); in the other condition, the traits were presented without a stereotype. Results showed that participants in the stereotype condition remembered the trait information better and performed better on a surprise multiple-choice quiz about Indonesia.
in sience plants are the multicellular oragnism that does photosyntheis that you usally learn about. it is usally the main foacus when learning about it.
Hope this helps
In philosophy, the argument is d) any verbal attempt to persuade
Pretty actually, the term "philosophy" method, is "love of understanding." In an extensive sense, philosophy is an interest people undertake after they searching for to understand fundamental truths approximately themselves, the sector in which they live, and their relationships to the arena and to every different.
Philosophy is a set of ideals, requirements, or beliefs used to describe conduct and thought. An instance of philosophy is Buddhism. noun.
Philosophy is the systematic take look at ideas and problems, a reasoned pursuit of essential truths, a quest for comprehensive information of the sector, an observation of ideas of conduct, and much more.
Learn more about Philosophy here: