d) A biblioteca de Nínive
e) O sistema de correios
A biblioteca de Nínive e o sistema de correios são os dois projetos que não são realizados durante o reinado de Dario I. O sistema de correios foi iniciado e concluído durante o reinado da Assíria, iniciado de 550 aC a 521 aC, enquanto a biblioteca de Nínive foi construída durante o reinado de Assurbanipal, cujo reinado começou de 668-627 aC.
The need for raw materials for the factories and increased food supplies for the growing population in urban centers had led to the growth of export economies around the world that had specialized in commercial extraction of natural resources and the production of food and industrial crops.
FCC Fairness Doctrine--this doctrine created in 1949 required news programs present a balanced report on issues.
This doctrine ensured that the news were presented fairly with both sides. This doctrine of reporting was in place until 1987 which then saw the birth of one-sided news broadcasting.