Sickle-cell disease is common in tropical and sub-tropical regions because being a carrier, carrying a single sickle-cell mutation (sickle cell trait), affords some resistance to malaria.
Mass number = protons + neutrons
If you have the # of protons and the mass #, subtract the number of protons from the mass number to get the number of neutrons.
If you have the number of neutrons and the mass number, subtract the number of neutrons from the mass number to get the number of protons.
At this point, the cell is turgid (very firm), the healthy state for most plant cells. Plants that are not woody, such as most houseplants, depend for mechanical support on cells kept turgid by a surrounding hypotonic solution
Primary structure, which is simply the sequence of amino acids in a polypeptide molecule.
Eukaryotes have solved the end-replication problem by locating highly repeated DNA sequence at the end, or telomeres, of each linear chromosome.
Telomeres are stretches of DNA at the ends of the chromosome, They protect the genetic data and make it possible for cells to divide.