In biology or animal behavior, the term cuckold refers to the act of invading a strange net. The term might be applied to different species that parasite other species. A very well known example is the cuckoos bird.
The Cuckold bees or cuckoo bees are many parasitic species belonging to the Apoidea taxon that characterize for invading nests of other bees.
Females lay their eggs in the cells of the host nest. Depending on the species, the intruding female might kill the owner larvae of the cell, or the emerging parasitic larvae is the one that can destroy the host using their highly developed mandibles as weapons.
As they develope, foreign larvae feed on the foodstuffs that the female owners of the nests bring for their own offspring.
Reforestation is a process of planting trees in an area so as to conserve the land as future forest. According to the given situation, reforestation is the practice which can be used by the biologists to grow nitrogen fixing plants in an area so as to increase the nutrient concentration of the soil which have been depleted.