Lasting 381 days, the Montgomery Bus Boycott resulted in the Supreme Court ruling segregation on public buses unconstitutional. A significant play towards civil rights and transit equity, the Montgomery Bus Boycott helped eliminate early barriers to transportation access.
Although Franco had never been a member of a political party, the growing anarchy impelled him to appeal to the government to declare a state of emergency. His appeal was refused, and he was removed from the general staff and sent to an obscure command in the Canary Islands.
Answer: despite some initial success, the Reconstruction Finance Corporation never had its intended impact. By its very structure, it was in some ways a self-defeating agency.
Swahili culture is the product of the history of the coastal part of the African Great Lakes region. As with the Swahili language, Swahili culture has a Bantu core that has borrowed from foreign influences.
The third one is not a reason.
Henry wanted to leave the church so he could divorce Catherine of Aragon and marry second wife Anne Boleyn in hopes she would produce a male heir to the throne. He also wanted the Catholic church out of England in hopes he could take over the money and wealth of the Church there. Jane Seymour was his third wife.