Property plant and equipment is listed at net value
Good will is intangible as it is an asset without physical attributes. Depreciation is the systematic allocation of cost for an asset based. It is an expense and not a cash expense, R and D is not an investment but an expense. R and D is not usually capitalized.
Balance sheet items are listed at market value. This is not true. For instance, Inventory is a balance sheet item and it is carried at the lower of cost or net realizable value.
Property plant and equipment is listed at net value. This is true as Property plant and equipment is listed at the net of the historical cost and the accumulated depreciation.
I’m not going to be able to get my homework homework but I’m not gonna be going back home to school tomorrow I have homework to sleep but I have to sleep in my bath green green park at my bath bath hall hall in bath green green park at queen
a. is the increase in total cost resulting from production of one additional unit of output.
the type of credit that requires borrowers to carefully manage debt so that it doesn't get out of control is revolving credit
The operating activities section of the statement of cash flows for 2019 is $282,400
This an indirect method of preparing cash flow. And indirect method starts with net income.
Please refer to the attached for the calculation.