Essential fat is an adipose tissue within our body. Present in all organs bones, muscles and nervous system.
Essential fat is an adipose tissue within our body. This tissue is responsible, mainly, for the temperature regulation, allowing our body to maintain an efficient homeostasis. However, this tissue also acts in the production of hormones and cell membranes, in addition to helping in the absorption of proteins.
The corporal distribution of fat, presents two types that are:
- Android: When essential fat is found in higher concentrations in the abdomen.
- Ginoide: When essential fat is in greater concentrations in the lower regions of the body, such as glutes, hips and thighs.
Writing down a patient's temperature
Borderline personality disorder is characterized by personal control.
Borderline personality disorder is a mental illness that affects a person’s capacity to control their emotions, the loss of emotional control can increase impulsiveness and affect how a person feels about themselves.
People with borderline personality disorder experience severe mood swings and have a feeling of uncertainty about themselves. Their feelings for others change rapidly and sway from extreme familiarity to extreme disliking.
People with borderline personality disorder tend to view things in extremes of all good or all bad and show Self-harming behavior, such as cutting. and show inappropriate, intense anger.
To learn more about mental illness here