Population of Nepal by caste
Nepalese caste/ethnic groups
Rank Caste/Ethnic groups (2011 Nepal census) Population
1 Chhetri 4,398,053
2 Hill Brahman/Bahun 3,226,903
3 Magara 1,887,733
4 Tharu 1,737,470
Insurance companies, schools, and religious groups.
1 Gallon = 3785 mL
5mL used in = 1 day
1 mL used in = 1/5 day
1 Gallon used in = 3785 / 5 = 757 days
I'm not entirerly sure whether ANY of these statements could be considered untrue.
Socializing up to a certain extent could increase productivity, granted it would be done with work in mind.
B, C, D all are true as these are very commonplace things that can happen at the workplace, while not all are equally probable all of them could happen.
If one really is considered untrue, it most likely would be A.
Because substance abuse is a Health problem