This is defined as a degree of harmony one maintains as he produces same result or carry out same action over a long period of time without wavering.
A consistent person decides to stay on a course of action and stays on it for a long time.
Inconsistency is when one fails to maintan such harmony in staying on a result or course of action for long.
Misha having struggles with het computer at home, if she replicates same action with the computers in school it will be said to be a consistent behaviour.
Another of such example is when one decided to work out by 7pm every night.
A decision to intervene in some human rights situations but not
others- C.
They are completely different even on their views of certain things because they don't all think alike nor do their government act the same so states are republican some are democratic and other are liberals.
presbyterian believed in the sovereignty of god, the authority of the scriptures and the grace of christ throough faith