An example of followers using a wider variety of influence tactics than the leader to modify attitudes and behaviors of others would be the arrangement of furniture in the office or the prominently displayed symbols.
- The leader, being the one who has the supreme most dignity and the highest status of all, has a conduct of behavior and approach to follow all the time.
- But this is not true with the followers that follow the leader. They can modify their behavior and activities whichever way they want and influence others in order to benefit the leader.
That would be the treaty of paris.
total task presentation
Based on the information provided it can be said that in this scenario the researcher is using the chain procedure known as total task presentation. This is a procedure that requires that the student perform the complete task every iteration until the entire chain is learned. Which is exactly what the researcher is making the adult student do in this scenario.
A naturalist believes that subjects or participants are able to show their original behavior if they are in their natural environment. A researcher would be more likely to get a true presentation of the participants behaviour if they observe them in their natural environment, if they are not aware that they are under observation. People act normal in normal situations but may alter their behaviour in situations when they know they are being watched.
A naturalist will carry those experiments or research that can't not be done in a lab such as this one of observing women in a shelter.