It is called the hindsight bias. It is otherwise called the knew-it-all-along the beginning impact or crawling determinism, is the slant, after an occasion has happened, to see the occasion as having been unsurprising, regardless of there having been practically zero target reason for anticipating it.
Cytoplasm is the fluid that fills a cell
It looks like someone trying to find the corage to do something.
-Muhammad Ali modernized Egypt by creating economic reforms, tax collection, landholding, irrigation, cotton production, local industries, and world trade.
-It was a bad thing for Egypt because they’d have to pay it back, Egypt’s economy soon began to decline. The factories stopped producing. Egypt got into serious debt with British banks.
-Bad leadership is one
of them. Ali’s family took over after his death. A second explanation for Egypt’s failure was environmental. They didn’t have as much coal as the Europeans. Egyptian factories moved their machines using animals.
A third explanation is European competition. European countries tried to ruin the Egyptian industry on purpose.
-Some looked for solutions in modernizing, or becoming more like Europeans, while others wanted to return to their Islamic roots. Some Egyptians believed Western-inspired reforms could still function within an Islamic framework, as a kind of middle ground. One scholar, Jamal al-Din al-Afghani, argued that Islam could be modernized and mixed with democracy.
-The most convincing is the environment. European countries were able to produce more coal, which would cause Egypt’s trades to reduce.
I’m not sure what the last answer is, sorry
They should not complain about bad treatment because the South is still recovering from the war.
At the wartime, African played a crucial role in America getting independent. In that time, they faced oppression, then they saw an opportunity to break free from slavery and unfair behaviour.
During the war, blacks fought for both the sides which so ever can help them in gaining freedom in when a new country is created. Black history and the south suffered a lot from racial discrimination.
Blacks have even tried to find a place in private or a working sector. their struggle is very long and hard. They have always fought for their survival. If America was able to get free from Britain than southern black has been so important in doing it.