Data base
Database holds all your information.
With an individual domain name we can upload all the content we want, in a free domain or share domain, upload content in some cases have a limit, for example the size of an image, in an individual domain we can add our brand, in a shared, we can add our brand side to company share those domains, we can have our own email address, practically we have a complete autonomy in our website.
Answer: Dereferencing a variable that is not a pointer
The execution time also refered to as the CPU time pertaining to a given task is the time that is used by the system to execute a task.
Some of the reasons for a fatal execution-time error include:
• Dereferencing a pointer that has not been initialized properly
• Dereferencing a null pointer
• Dereferencing a pointer that has not been assigned to point to a specific address.
It should be noted that dereferencing a variable that is not a pointer doesn't cause a fatal execution-time error.