Due to it's typically massive size, WAN's are almost always slower then a LAN. The further the distance, the slower the network. One of the big disadvantages to having a WAN is the cost it can incur. Having a private WAN can be expensive.
The answer for the blank space given in the question is a type of arrow called four-headed arrow.
Four-headed arrow can be found in many computer software and applications, including in Microsoft Excel. Generally, <u>it is used to move an object from one place to another.</u> In the given scenario described at the question, it is used to move a cell from one location to another.
Differ in the quality of their transmission.
For example, when using the public phone box, wired transmission is done not wireless as in cell phones. Public phone box use electronic signals transmitted through a cable network to send voice data which are not very effective for long distance communication.
However, cell phones wirelessly send electromagnetic wave signal to a cell tower close to the caller and then the information is then transmitted to cell tower close to the receiver within a split of a second. This method of communication has much advantages.
Broadcast message
A broadcast message is an identical message sent to a lot of recipients. When it is an email, it can be sent in Carbon Copy (Cc) or a Blind Carbon Copy (Bcc) form.
With the<em> Carbon Copy</em>, every recipients will be notified about the other recipients. In most cases all the email usernames of the recipients will be sent to all the recipients individually.
With the <em>Blind Carbon Copy</em>, every individual sees the message as he/she received it alone. The individual is not notified about the other recipients.