Violence & Bloodshed (hence the term for the event "Bleeding Kansas") arose when slave-owning & pro-slavery settlers as well as free settlers moved into the territory of Kansas, and both sides fought in a literal all-out war to see if Kansas was to be admitted as a free or slave state. However, Kansas was admitted as a free state to the Union, and was a prologue to what will later become known as the American Civil War, as the uneasy peace and failure to balance powers became the eventual stepping stones towards the South declaring independence.
The Norman invasion in the year 1066 is considered to be very significant because it changed England in many ways. This linked England even more with the continent of Europe. It created one of the most strong monarchies in Europe and resulted in the impact and hold of Scandinavian to weaken a lot. This invasion changed the English traditions and language and there were some influence of language of France and it's culture.
Answer: Las enmiendas a la Constitución que el Congreso propuso en 1791 estuvieron fuertemente influenciadas por las declaraciones estatales de derechos, particularmente la Declaración de Derechos de Virginia de 1776, que incorporó una serie de protecciones de la Carta de Derechos Inglesa de 1689 y la Carta Magna.
Dependent Personality Disorder
Dependent PD is characterized by a lack of self-confidence and an excessive need to be looked after. This person needs a lot of help in making everyday decisions and surrenders important life decisions to the care of others. He greatly fears abandonment and may go through considerable lengths to secure and maintain relationships. A person with dependent PD sees himself as inadequate and helpless, and so surrenders his personal responsibility and submits himself to one or more protective others. He imagines that he is at one with these protective other(s), whom he idealizes as competent and powerful, and towards whom he behaves in a manner that is ingratiating and self-effacing. People with dependent PD often end up with people with a cluster B personality disorder, who feed on the unconditional high regard in which they are held. Overall, people with dependent PD maintain a naïve and child-like perspective and have limited insight into themselves and others. This entrenches their dependency, leaving them vulnerable to abuse and exploitation.