The problem with this solution is that a regression model is not recommended to extrapolate because we do not know if the linear relation that we calculated for a specific range of x values still holds outside this range.
Step-by-step explanation:
We have a linear regression model, with a range of the independent variable "x" that goes from 0 to 6.
The regression model finds a good fit (r=0.8582).
As it has a good fit, it is proposed to use this model to extrapolate and calculate the value of y for x=50.
It is not recommended to extrapolate a regression model unless we are really sure that the model is still valid within the range within we are extrapolating.
This means that if we have no proof that y has a linear relation in a range of x that includes x, the extrapolation has no validity and can lead to serious errors.
A linear regression model is only suitable for interpolation or extrapolating within the range we are sure that the relation between y and x is linear within a certain acceptable error.