When people or animals play and interact with information, they get smarter.
If you want to reheat potatoes that are already cooked on a pan or fried, they may mash or dry, especially if they are fried. Better to avoid this practice for taste reasons, even if we can possibly heat them in the pan.
How to do?
To reheat potatoes boiled in water or steam, fry them in the pan: this is the best way to get the right result to taste, and you can also heat them in the microwave. cutting them into pieces so that reheating is easier and more uniform.
new combinations means variations, and the more the variations there is of a species, the more diverse they are
there is no clear evidence about plants evolving in the desert, or fossils of any kind of cactus despite their distribution over a large area. But, scientists are of the opinion that they acquired specific attributes millions of years ago, as a response to the vastly changing climate and conditions.
-Desert plant root system
A typical desert plant has a deep root system, which is a specific physical mechanism. As the roots grow deep down the soil, they absorb soil water, which is then transported to the upper portions of the plant.
-Desert plant leaves
Bear small foliage with waxy surface to minimize transpiration (loss of water through stomatal pores), which in turn, helps to conserve water.