Because theres gravity that hold it down?
According to cognitive theory the mental processes that occur in the mind shapes the behavior of an organism. The behavior is not seen as the complete result as a reaction to the stimulus but the intermediate mental processes plays a part in the behavior.
Sierra, is not satisfied with her self image and downplays her achievements which leads her to be depressed. Her mental state is not caused as a reaction to a stimulus. So, this perspective is in line with the cognitive theory.
Diseases, Weather, and Food Sources.
The interest group that is a single-issue interest group is<u> </u><u>Everytown </u><u>for </u><u>Gun Safety. </u>
A single-issue interest group:
- Lobbies for one specific cause.
- Include common causes like animal rights and guns.
<u>Everytown for Gun Safety</u> is a single-interest group because it seems to be focusing solely on the need for gun safety and that alone.
In conclusion, Everytown for Gun Safety is a single-issue interest group.
<em>Find out more</em><em> single-issue</em><em> interest </em><em>group </em><em>at</em>