Using the graph provided with the question, we are able to find that that for a concentration of 270 micromol per kilogram, the calcification rate is 20 mmol calcium carbonate per meter squared per day.
Using this calcification rate,
30 = 20 * 1 * days
days = 1.5
The deposition will require 1.5 days.
Contain 46 chromosomes each
Only about 5% of human DNA encodes protein.
Arrayed along the DNA strand are the genes, specific regions whose sequences carry the genetic code for making specific proteins. The genes of bacteria are tightly packed together; virtually all the DNA encodes proteins.
In species with polyploid, there are more chromosomal sets than in diploid one. Becouse there are more chromosomal structures available, events like mutation, recombination, DNA lose, are more probable to occur.
As the generations pass, the accumulation of these changes tend polyploid to speciation.