The _____________ has the thickest wall of all the heart chambers as it pumps blood through the ________________ circulation. Wh
ich words fill in the blanks in the correct order (i.e. chamber with thickest wall; circulation)? A. Left ventricle; systemicB. Left ventricle; pulmonaryC. Right ventricle; systemicD. Right ventricle; pulmonaryE. Left atrium; systemic
The ventricles are located on the posterior end of the heart beneath their corresponding atrium. The right ventricle helps to receives deoxygenated blood from the right atria and pumps it through the pulmonary vein and into pulmonary circulation, then transported into for gas exchange via the lungs.
The left ventricle receives oxygenated blood from the left atria and pumps it through the aorta into systemic circulation in order to supply the tissues of the body with oxygen.
The walls of the ventricles are the thickest and strongest. This is because the amount of work on the left ventricles, which pump blood throughout the body and lungs, is much greater than the pressure generated by the atria to fill the ventricles.