The answer is agency by Ratification
An agency by ratification is created when a person gains some benefit from a previously unauthorized act of an agent and the person, upon learning of the act, does not deny that the agent had the authority to perform the act.
Answer: Please refer to Explanation
1. Embargoes and sanctions
When a trade embargo or sanctions are in play, depending on the strength of the nation or International organisation that imposed it, countries are not allowed to trade with the country that is under an embargo. Sometimes the trade embargo can be on all products and sometimes just specific sectors are targeted. An example is the current United States embargo on Venezuela which targets their oil sector and as such most countries are avoiding buying Venezuelan oil.
2. Tariffs
This is a method of reducing the amount of a certain good imported from outside. Tariffs are usually introduced to protect the domestic producers and supplier in an economy and work by taxing imports or placing a customs duty on them. They are usually imposed when the imports are cheaper than domestic Production.
3. Import Quota
Another way to protect the domestic economy. In this scenario, a country allows the import of a certain good only up to an extent for a period which is usually a year. For instance, the United States in this scenario could say that in 2020 only 500 megatons of Aluminum are allowed into the country from China. After that, no more is allowed until 2021.
4. Tariff.
This is a Tariff and as earlier explained, is meant to protect the domestic producers by taxing imports that are cheaper.
5. Import Quota.
This is clearly an import Quota as earlier described because the country is limiting the amount of a certain good that can come into it.
6. Embargoes and Sanctions.
This is a clear example of an embargo. The United States is limiting the amount of goods exported to North Korea because they are under sanctions and embargoes. The United States and Western nations do not want to export anything to North Korea that could aid it's Nuclear Industry so it is a targeted embargo on their nuclear industry.
The two methods used to identify job opportunities are identify the area of specialization and train yourself according to that specialization.
The job offers can be found through Networking, Referrals, company websites, job fairs and social media.
The another method is through employment agency, are agencies that are trying to match up the job applicants to job that suits them. They have a connection with the organization and there is a high probability of landing a job with the organization.
Also, it is necessary to upgrade yourself to the area of specialization. If IT skilled then the job seeker should train on it to get placed on that relevant organization.
The answer is B. Socio-cultural
The socio-cultural environment refers to the beliefs, practice, customs, tradition that influences the behaviour of a people that lives in a given population.
The socio-cultural belief of the nation of Brotherton is one that believe that all the planning activities of the organisation should be the duties of manager alone and the employee are just to do as they are told.
However, the American workers participate and make contributions in the decision making process of the organisation.
C. Expenditures
Based on the information provided within the question it can be said that the Parks Department should use an expenditures account to record these billings. Expenditures refers to the action of spending funds to purchase goods or services on behalf of the company. Such purchases can include vehicle rentals like what was billed for the Parks Department.