I would not support the compromise of 1850 because it supported and strengthened slavery. Although, the north received a new and big state, it rather enforced slavery even more in the south. Therefore, supporting the compromise would not be in my interest.
They wanted more of a separation of government power.
fgffgtfgfeffngmthahahaha. hahahahhahahahahhaa hahahhahahahhahahahahaha
The answer would be "goes to help the community where they live." message me if you need anymore help:)
The answer is <span>the relationship in which the sexual behavior takes place, as well as cultural and economic factors.
He theorized that men put more importance on visual stimulation compared to women and tend to be able to separate sexual relationship with comitment.
He believed women tend to consider social status or financial protection when deciding to to enter a sexual relationship with a man.</span>