Get the denominators to match
a. Find the largest number of room reservations that this hotel can book and still be at least 95% sure that everyone who shows up at the hotel will have a room on a given night. = 341
b. Given that the hotel books the number of reservations found in part a, find the probability that at least 90% of the available rooms will be occupied on a given night. = 0.0072
c. Given that the hotel books the number of reservations found in part a, find the probability that at most 80% of the available rooms will be occupied on a given night. = 0.1157
d. How does your answer to part a change as the required assurance rate increases from 95% to 97% = 338.8
Step-by-step explanation:
Step-by-step explanation:
5% of 860 is 43
add that percent to the existing amount
The third one is 510 not show in the pic here