C: Transmission Electron Microscopy
Transmission Electron Microscopy shows the complex internal membrane structure of mitochondria
Virions are physical entities containing nucleocapsid, capsid and sometime envelop. It exists extracellularly. Viruses are genetic material that occur intracellularly
Experiment to show that sunlight is necessary for photosynthesis - definition. Take a plant with destarched leaf. Leaf is partially covered with black paper on which a design is cut. Expose this plant to sunlight for few hours and perform a starch test with iodine solution.
I tried kiddo
The first one got messed up but its 130
Grasshoppers have no ears, instead they use an organ called the tympanum located in the first segment of their abdomen, whereas humans take in sound waves through the ear canal until they reach the eardrum. The eardrum picks up the vibrations and then transmits them to tiny bones in the middle of the ear, the bones pass the vibrations to the inner ear (which is filled with liquid) and the cochlea.
Hope I could help.