Human subjects in clinical trials, hope this helps :)
(an 18 year old died in a gene experiment, pennsylvania)
Things like mud and dung..........................................................
The crinkling sound of the bag is the conditioned stimulus for the rabbit.
- The rabbit has got acquainted with the fact that every single time the crinking sound is made, it is followed by a treat. Hence, any crinkling sound heard by the rabbit is processed as an indication of a treat on its way.
- This is because the sound stimulates the senses of the rabbit.
- The rabbit is unable to distinguish between the sounds of bags crinkling. Thus, it responds in the same way every single time it gets to hear a bag crinkling.
Image result for what missouri compromise admitted as a slave state and a free state
In an effort to preserve the balance of power in Congress between slave and free states, the Missouri Compromise was passed in 1820 admitting Missouri as a slave state and Maine as a free state.
1.Switch to renewable energy
2.reduce methane leaks
3.pick power sources that use less water
4.minimise energy loss among wires
5.use only the voltage you need
6.use energy saving tools