Quoted from google:
"Anthropologist Kent Weeks, '63, '66, whose discovery of KV5, the largest tomb ever found in Egypt's Valley of the Kings, will be honored May 11 by the UW College of Arts and Sciences as the recipient of its 1999 Distinguished Achievement Award."
The hunter should wear a fall-arrest system whenever the hunter is off the ground. The hunter should always wear the gear he need to wear whenever the hunter is off the ground. The answer in this question is whenever the hunter is off the ground.
The person is in the first stage of Seyle's stress hypothesis known as "alarm". In this state the body is preparing for the stressor that they have come across or encountered. The parasympathetic nervous system is activated and the body is in a "fight or flight" mode. Hormones (cortisol and adrenaline) are released into the body to help the body fight the stressor.