Is easier to train new employees.
Job specialization can be described as a process in which employees of an organization possess specific skills and knowledge that is needed to carry out a given task or activity.
Job specialization involves the process of training individuals to acquire adequate education and expertise in a specific area so they would be able to perform the task excellently well thereby leading to high productivity and growth of the organisation.
e. the total of currency in circulation, plus depository institution reserves and vault cash
Monetary base is a concept in money supply that measures highly liquid assets in an economy.
It includes all cash that is in circulation in the economy and those deposits that are held as reserves by the central bank from commercial banks. Cash in bank vaults are also included because they are readily available to the economy.
For example if there is $200 million in circulation and there is $13 billion in the central bank as reserves from commercial banks, the total monetary base is $13.2 billion
The answer is "Option A".
In this question, the first choice is correct because the Chilean organizations continue to improve the existing wine business in the country of China, with Chile aiming to the advantage of the military conflict as well as expand its position in the Chinese beverage (wine) market though the wider optimization.