-588298 divided by 239 equals 2461.49791
Sure I got time uh I’m not good at conversation starting but if you like anime I can talk about that for a long time but if I stop responding I’m probably doing homework
D The IQR for town A is less than the IQR for town B
Step-by-step explanation:
A small IQR indicates that the points are closer together, while a larger IQR means that the points are scattered and that the plot is skewed in a certain direction. As you can see, town A's plot looks fairly balanced, while town B's plot is skewing to the left. Hope this helps :)
Considering balloon to be an spherical object
Volume of sphere =
, where r is the radius of sphere.
After 19 minutes ,If radius of balloon changes from r to R, the Volume changes from V to V'.
As given,rate at which the air leaked out of the balloon (in liters of air per minute) was half of the rate at which Vavilen inflated the balloon.
Now, again the radius changes from R to r.So, Volume changes from V' to Back to V.
Time taken by the balloon to deflate = 38 minutes
But there is no relation between time and volume of Balloon.
So, we can't predict at which rate balloon is deflating or inflating.Apart from the statement given in Question: