Most tactics they use are ethos showing that a famous person consumes tobacco and you should consume it too. Many movies show most of their protagonists smoking tobacco to show people that they look cool. They use a lot of commercials to show how tobaccos is very addicting and you should try it too. Advertisers try to convey the audience, it's technically psudoscience. Since they don't have evidence to prove that tobbacco is good for you and healthy, but if they did it would probably disturb the consumers.
You cannot survive long without water.
true because a threat should be know for all employees to possibly not get sued if a customer were to find out about it to it needs to be acknowledged mostly if working with food chemicals and medical supplies so you don’t loose a job
Hey there!
There is a window period between being exposed to HIV and getting accurate results as to whether or not you have actually been infected. Many HIV tests can detect an infection two to three weeks after initial exposure. If someone tests negative on many HIV tests after two weeks since the possible exposure, they're likely HIV-negative, but should still get tested after a certain amount of additional time since everyone can react to the infection differently.
Your answer will be your second option.
Hope this helped you out! :-)
Hi !
because it maintains your internal physiological balance : respiration, blood pressure,.....whatever the environment changes