A mutation is a random change to genetic material. ... If a mutation occurs in a gene that results in a change to the sequence of DNA bases, then the structure of the protein that is made may also be altered. This could alter an individual's phenotype
Los puentes de Hidrógeno, se forman por átomos de Hidrógeno localizados entre átomos pequeños muy electronegativos, cuando un átomo de Hidrógeno está unido covalentemente, a un átomo electronegativo, Oxígeno, Nitrógeno o Flúor, el átomo con mayor electronegatividad atraerá hacia si los electrones del enlace, formándose
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Acid rain<span> is caused by a </span>chemical<span> reaction that begins when compounds like sulfur dioxide and nitrogen oxides are released into the air. These substances can rise very high into the atmosphere, where they mix and react with water, oxygen, and other </span>chemicals<span> to form more </span>acidic<span> pollutants, known as </span>acid rain<span>.</span>
It could occur after a forest fire or flood.