First you need to convert 32 into a fraction, so just add 1 as the denominator; 5/8 ÷ 32/1. But you can't divide fractions, so multiply by the reciprocal. 5/8 · 1/32. You should get 5/256 as your answer. I hope that helped!
(x^2 + x -1) x (x^2+3x-3)
Step-by-step explanation:
-3x-3x+3+x^2 x(x^2+x-1)+3x^3 +3x^2-3x^2
3x *(x^2+x+x-2)-3(x^2+x-1)+x^2 *(x^2+x-1)
= (x^2+x-1) x (x^2+3x-3)
* means multiply btw
Step-by-step explanation:
Parallel lines always have the same slope. In fact that is the definition of parallel lines :P (Technically they have the same slope and different y-intercepts, because parallel lines can never intersect...)
Quotient means division
-36/-4 + 9 = x
9 + 9 = x
18 = x