Reproducibility is important because it is the only thing that an investigator can guarantee about a study. Contrary to what most press releases would have you believe, an investigator cannot guarantee that the claims made in a study are correct (unless they are purely descriptive) So reproducibility is important not because it ensures that the results are correct, but rather because it ensures transparency and gives us confidence in understanding exactly what was done.
The nucleus is a central placed organelle in eukaryotic cells. It is said to contain the "blueprint of life" known as the DNA. The DNA is a structure located in the nucleus of the cell that encodes information necessary for the growth and development of the organism.
This information encoded by the deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) of the cell includes how the organism will reproduce, hence, DNA is called the blueprint of life.
Normal colour vision (trichromacy) refers to vision that uses all three types of light cones. People with defected trichromatic vision will be colour blind to some extent and these conditions are called anomalous trichromacy. Three types anomalous trichromacy ( one type of cone perceives light slightly) :
1. Protanomaly – phenotype: reduced sensitivity to red light
2. Deuteranomaly - phenotype: reduced sensitivity to green light
3. Tritanomaly – phenotype: reduced sensitivity to blue
People can also have color blindess as the result of mutation, when loss of function of one cone occurs. This condition is called dichromacy. If there is complete color blindness or monochromacy, the person can’t distinguish any color from grey.
Color blindness is an inherited genetic disorder resulted from mutations on the X chromosome.