This is a multicellular structure found in mushroom that are visible to the naked eye and are spore producing. They are the structures of which spore producing basidia are formed. They called called false ruffles. The basidiocarps serve as the structure on which the hymenium is produced. They are the fruiting bodies of mushroom.
It has the ability to bind itself to small amounts of acid in the blood, which helps with removing that acid before the blood’s pH changes
The individuals gametes cells would be damaged, possibly taking his ability to have offspring.
The correct answers are: the insertion of a DNA sequence into the targeted gene and deletions of the targeted gene
Cas9 is an enzyme endonuclease (which means it cuts nucleotides) that is part of the CRISPR-Cas9 complex- genome editing tool that can remove, add or alter sections of the DNA sequence.
Cas9 recognize the sequence that is going to be cut thanks to guide RNA- pre-designed RNA sequence complementary to sequence of interest. DNA repair machinery will try to fix the “damage” but it can add (insert) or delete some nucleotides.
C- Section, also known as a caesarean section.