This is False. The federal government does not allow citizens to decide how public money is used.
When citizens have this power it is called Real budget democracy. Now the budget is decided by the Congress passing through many stages. First the Departments and agencies bring on proposals to the White House for the creation of the President's budget, then the House of representatives and Senate make their resolutions and a final budget is created that must be approved for the next fiscal year, that is voted, passed and signed as law.
airborne psychological operations
Flying the EC-130 Commando Solo, the 193rd Special Operations Squadron conducts information operations, psychological operations and civil affairs broadcasts in AM, FM, HF, TV and military communications bands.
Since WW2 until today, the 193rd Special Operations Wing continues this tradition of maintaining the only airborne psychological operations broadcasting platform for the entire U.S. military.
The reason why vehicle skids are most likely occur is because of the roads are too slippery to go through that made vehicle slide, another thing, the reason could be because drivers are too fast in driving that could make their car skid because driving too fast could make the car unbalance as it turns to different directions. As vehicle skids, it could lead to accidents, harming not only the driver but to other drivers around them.
The answer is True. Intermediaries are any dealer that acts as the middleman between a chain of distribution between the company and its customers. In this case travel products from whomever's company to the public.
d. 80 percent
Human trafficking is an illegal activity in which traffickers capture people to transport, relocate, or keep them hidden by forcing, intimidating, or deceiving them so as exploit them. Each year, a huge number of persons are captured by these criminals, both in their homeland and in other countries; women and children represent 80% of the victims.