the plumber should make more.
the plumber should make more because of teachers waste money when they buy things and kids waste it and throw it away but plumbers stuff last longer and help more people
TRUMP, on the experimental antibodies he was ... "I take full responsibility for what I have done,” Yeo said.“I am… ... I would like to see a bigger stimulus package than either the ... “I was using the word all the time, in every talk… ... I don't want this story to come off as I thought the guy was racist.
A good research plan should include the following answers and information. Brief introduction to the research field (including relevant references) • Motivation for the topic (Why is it important?) What kinds of results are expected? (tool, framework, new theory, new technical solutions, etc.)
Because in the great gatsby, Jordan knows Gatsby as a man who tells lies.
In the book, Jordan told Nick that Gatsby was known for lying.