positive energy are exactly balanced out by the quantum states of negative energy. As such, the net effect remains zero, and so we are unable to see or feel the effects of negative energy in normal everyday conditions.
These are the signs and symptoms one has look out whenever a person has increasing alcohol dependence: feeling the need to drink after waking up, having a compulsive feeling of drinking but not being able to resist once it started, sweating and nausea that stops after drinking.
I would look for
- Signs of respiratory distress or irregular sounds coming from the respiratory system (coughing, sneezing,wheezing,etc)
- Skin color, redness or other clue on the surface of the patient's skin.
- Signs of dizziness, lack of awareness, drowsiness, and the general way the patient appears. Do they appear sick, do they appear depressed, anxious, etc.
<em>Hope this helps!</em>
Eating whole foods when young reduces the risk of developing DIABETES at an old age.