T cell receptor, Cytotoxic T Cell, CD4, Antigen, Bacterium,
B – cell, Cell mediated response, Class II MHC, Cytokines, and Humoral Response
are the components for the activation of a helper t cell by a dendritic cell.
To create a positive environment can help implement the principle of non-maleficence as well as guaranteeing that bullying or diminishing does not take place. When important decisions are to be made they should be shared with everyone trying to make the information accessible to everyone equally.
b. thrive during the summer, when sunlight increases
Phytoplankton production is highly associated with latitude and season. In polar regions, phytoplankton production is reduced to the summer (and eventually spring) season. In consequence, the zooplankton that eats phytoplankton only can survive during the spring and summer seasons. On the other hand, in tropical areas, there exists a nearly constant phytoplankton production all year round.
The answer is descent with modification.
Descent with modification practically means that a species have changed appearance wise over long periods of time to adapt to their environments better.
Its when one species marries another species