Answer: Most rocks contain SiO2 (silica), which is a compound of silicon and oxygen that forms 74%
From the air
For plants especially its the sunlight. The animals then eat the plants transferring the carbon into their bodies.
There would be dead animals overloading the Earth. Think about it, without worms and other things that break down dead things they would still be here and just sit there.
can you help me with my question Which of the following best explains "political bias?" A. How to register to vote. B. What topics decide how you vote. C. Not caring about voting in elections.
Phosphorous: Also known as phosphoric acid and phosphate, phosphorous, which is in cola and many processed foods, can interfere with calcium absorption.
Insoluble fiber: This type of fiber, such as the kind in wheat bran, reduces calcium absorption
Foods with high levels of oxalic acid include spinach, collard greens, sweet potatoes, rhubarb, and beans and this will interfere with calcium absorption.