People believe God . so German ruler know people mind . He was coverage people mind machnism . He was challenging to political power
Farthest northwest of which state?
California is the most populated state.
Which what is farthest to the northeast? If it's a state that would be Maine.
Which what is characterized?
the speaker of the house does not have to be an elected member of the house of reresentitives and because the speaker is next to become president it has more power than the president of the senate
Settlers did things like occupy and degrade popular hunting grounds or water sources. Like if a settler built a house and barn and fences somewhere, it might ruin the place as a hunting ground because the animals might shy away from it. A fence in a pasture might block and annoy a Native American who was traveling across that area. In some cases, settlers unknowingly violated taboos. Like maybe they cut down trees from a holy grove to use for timber or firewood.